Congratulations on your new family member!
Puppy has received one DHPP+CV shot. Shots should continue every three weeks for two more shots.
Puppy has been wormed with Nemex II, you should take a stool sample to the vet at your next visit to re-check for worms. ![]()
Puppy has been fed Royal Canin Baby Dog 30. If puppy eats all of his meal immediately, and seems to want more increase amount fed by 1/4 cup per feeding. No supplements are needed unless something indicates their need, IE: Flaky skin etc. Please contact me if this occurs.
Puppy, as a rule of thumb, Should gain approx. 10 lbs. per month. Make sure puppy has plenty of fresh, clean, water available at all times, except when in crate overnight. Puppy is growing rapidly, plays hard, & NEEDS PLENTY OF REST & should NOT be disturbed when napping. ![]()
Puppy needs to have safe chew toys available.
Stuffed DOG toys are good, the bigger size.
Gumma bones are safe (big ones.) ![]() No Rawhide of ANY kind, shape, form. No Chicken treats! Especially chicken, or jerky from CHINA!~ NO BONES from the table. CHOCOLATE is TOXIC to dogs. GRAPE seeds & RAISINS can be TOXIC. No ONIONS. Pigs Ears can cause choking, and intestinal blockage. Buy ONLY large, cow leg bones for chewing,(At least 6 inches long, and 2 inches in diameter.) NO Pork bones, they splinter. Keep puppy OUT of cat litter boxes, and cat food. Do Not Let puppy chew on corn cobs, these can cause stomach/intestinal blockages! ![]() GUARD PUPPY AGAINST DROWNING in: Pools, hot tubs, fish ponds, buckets with water in the bottom, (Puppies will try to drink out of the bottom of bucket-like containers and can tip over head first & NOT be able to get out & drown in just inches of water.) Check your yard for POISONOUS PLANTS! Watch your yard for any toadstools, THEY ARE HIGHLY TOXIC and very quickly FATAL to Puppies!!! Puppy proof your home picking up all small chewable objects, stow away any electrical cords, make sure any bug baits, mice baits, antifreeze, cleaners, etc. are put up & away from puppy's reach. Chew ropes: Pieces can be chewed off and can cause intestinal blockages. Place pup's crate beside your bed at night time. Puppy will feel more secure.
Puppy may whine and/or bark the first few nights but will eventually settle down and go to sleep.
If puppy wakes during the night and whines or barks take him/her outside to go potty. DO NOT let puppy jump off your bed, or ANYTHING higher than 1 foot. Make sure puppy has surfaces to walk on that he can get traction, IE: tile, linoleum, pergo, are all too slippery for puppy to stay any length of time on without throw rugs.
Teach children to pick up puppy correctly, NEVER picking up puppy under his arms. ![]()
DO NOT take puppy into public places until ALL vaccines have been completed. He/she could contract Parvo Virus & DIE! DO NOT let puppy chew/lick your shoes. They might have virus's on them and your puppy could catch them. When taking to vet, CARRY PUPPY IN, DO NOT PUT PUPPY DOWN ON VET'S OFFICE FLOOR. HOLD HIM OR HER ON YOUR LAP. ASK TO HAVE SCALE DISINFECTED, OR A TOWEL PUT DOWN BEFORE PLACING PUPPY ON THE SCALE. MAKE SURE EXAM TABLES HAVE BEEN DISINFECTED BEFORE SETTING PUPPY DOWN ON TABLE.
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When you bring your puppy home he/she will still be very immature, emotionally and physically. As your puppy matures he/she will be able to go longer between potty times. But in the beginning you will have to get up several times per night to take your puppy potty. His/her bladder gets full fast! Crate training: Crate training can be a very useful tool. It can also be used wrong. Puppies need to be contained while you sleep so that they do not harm themselves chewing on electrical cords, shoes, remote controls, or anything else they can get their mouths on. A crate can become a cozy, safe area for a puppy to sleep in at night, retreat to if sleepy or to avoid playing when tired, to be contained to for short periods of time. At eight weeks old a puppy cannot go all night without going outside to go potty. Put your puppy to sleep in his/her crate at bedtime after taking him/her outside for a bedtime potty. Your puppy will usually cry, throw a fit etc. for 5 - 15 minutes before settling down and going to sleep. Do not give in. Once asleep, if your puppy wakes you up crying get up quickly and take him/her outside to go potty. When your puppy squats to go potty, praise! praise! praise!! Put puppy back into crate and go back to sleep. Your puppy will only be able to go a few hours without needing to go potty. Each week they should be able to last about an hour longer. Each puppy however varies. If you leave your puppy in the crate longer than he/she can tolerate they will soil their crate. Their crate is their bed. You do NOT want your puppy to learn to soil his/her bed. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, OR ARE CONCERNED ABOUT ANYTHING, ANY TIME, DAY OR NIGHT!
Thank you! : ) ![]() |