So.......You've Decided To Add A Puppy To Your Household?

We have included this page because we want to make sure that before you adopt a puppy you give thought to all that includes.
Adding a new puppy is a BIG committment. Figure on a 10 year commitment!

We want you to consider that monitarily it will cost you at least $150.00 per month to provide for a healthy puppy.
If the puppy gets sick, it will cost you MUCH, more.
As far as family time and adjustments.
You must consider other dogs in the household (if you have any.)
How will they react to a new puppy "invading" their home and taking away attention from them?
Will you have time to exercise both dogs daily?
If you have toddler age children are you willing to teach the children to respect the dog?
Handle it properly?
Are you ready to teach the puppy to respect the child or children?
Not chew on little fingers, scratch little faces?
Are you ready to get up several times a night to take the puppy outside to go potty?
Can you give up time with your child, and/or other pets for training/exercizing the new puppy?
What about the family vehicle?
Is it large enough to accomodate your entire family and a 90 - 115 lb. dog?
There will be bathing/grooming expenses, premium kibble to buy, heartworm prevention medication, flea prevention meds., training class fees, toys, chew treats, shots, beds, etc. etc. etc.
If no one is home during the daytime you will need to enlist the services of a puppysitter while you are away.
If you go on vacation and the dog cannot go along you will have boarding fees.
Bernese Mountain Dogs shed all their hair at least a couple times per year.
That is a lot of hair!
Are you ready to vacuum daily and have hair on your clothes?
Ready to find hair in your food?
These are the basic questions you need to ask your family.
There are many more things to consider, and costs involved.
We just wanted to get you thinking!

SnoBear Berners
Phone: (530) 589-4254
Fax:(530) 589-2729
California, USA

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